Tips for doing sport in spring

Tips for doing sport in spring

With the arrival of the spring season, many people resume their daily sports routine, but this season also brings weather changes that could complicate your exercise routine and affect your immune system.

For this reason, it is important to be aware of the changes that our organism may experience with the arrival of spring, and how we can prepare our immune system for it.

Plesinox 3A explains everything you need to know about practising sport in spring, how it can affect your immune system and how to prepare it for the external threats of the season.

If you want to continue with your routine, you should consider good practices to avoid injuries and illnesses related to the improper functioning of your immune system.

It is therefore essential to take the following aspects into consideration:

Be careful with sun exposure during sporting activities


UV rays are present throughout the year, as are their negative effects on our skin, which is why we must protect ourselves from the effects of the sun on our skin, taking extreme care and precaution at times of the year when exposure to UV rays is more direct, such as spring and summer.

Sun exposure and the immune system are closely related, as sun exposure can have both a positive and negative effect on the immune system.

On the one hand, moderate sun exposure can stimulate the body’s production of vitamin D, which in turn can strengthen the immune system. Vitamin D helps the body produce antimicrobial peptides.

On the other hand, excessive and unprotected sun exposure can damage the immune system. UV radiation from the sun can cause damage to the DNA of the body’s cells, which can weaken the immune system and increase the production of free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage the body’s cells and tissues.

It is important to find the right balance in sun exposure and to take precautions to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV radiation, such as using sunscreen, wearing appropriate clothing and limiting sun exposure to the hours of the day when radiation is most intense.

In summary, sun exposure can have both a positive and negative effect on the immune system. Moderate sun exposure can stimulate vitamin D production and strengthen the immune system, while excessive and unprotected exposure can damage the immune system, so it is important to find the right balance.


Stretch and warm up properly

Before starting sports activities, it is essential to do the necessary stretching. In this way the muscles, joints and tendons will be prepared for the effort they will be subjected to. Stretching refers to movements in which the joints and muscles can warm up effectively.

Hydrate properly

Adequate hydration during training is crucial for maintaining a healthy immune system.

During training, the body loses water through sweat, which can lead to dehydration if not adequately replaced. This can affect the production of immune cells and decrease the effectiveness of the immune system in fighting different infections and diseases. In addition, dehydration can also increase inflammation in the body, which can further weaken the immune system.

Conversely, adequate hydration during training can help strengthen the immune system. Water helps transport nutrients and oxygen through the body, which can increase the production of immune cells and the effectiveness of the immune system. In addition, it can help reduce inflammation in the body, which can improve immune function.

It is important to remember that proper hydration involves not only drinking enough water during training, but also before and after training. Adequate fluid intake before training can help prevent dehydration during exercise, while fluid intake after training can help replace fluids and nutrients lost during exercise.

In summary, playing sport in spring can have a positive impact on the immune system.

However, sometimes extra support for the immune system is needed. For this reason, there are food supplements such as Plesinox 3A made up of Polypodium leucotomos extract (EPL), vitamin A, vitamin C and selenium that help the immune system to function normally and strengthen the defences.

In short, it is important to apply daily habits in our lifestyle that have a positive influence on our immune system and help to keep it in good condition.


Do you want more information about Plesinox 3A? Visit our website:



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